How to prepare for your #staycation

July 13, 2021

Just like us humans, our dogs like to get away for new adventures.  Increasingly we are taking our dogs away with us on holiday within the UK and with COVID, a #staycation is the new thing. 

What you may not know is that different areas of the UK present different parasite health risks for our pets.  Why not have a chat with us before you go away so we can help you keep your pet protected. 

One of these risks is ticks.  Ticks have been spreading around the country at a rapid rate.  Click HERE to see what the tick risk is in the area you are visiting. It’s especially important to protect your pet from ticks as there is the risk of them contracting Lymes Disease.  Visit the PDSA website

Click HERE for information on ticks, Lymes Disease and how you can help protect your dog.

Call the team today to discuss your flea, tick and worming needs on 01772 639800 OR 01253 766352 or open a chat on PetsApp to order and pay for your usual products.

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