Laura Underwood – PgCertDerm BSc BVSc MRCVS
September 22, 2021
Learn more about dermatology at Rowan Vets
We’re really excited to say that she has also passed her Advanced Practitioner qualification, a Post Graduate Degree and is currently in the process of applying for Advanced Practitioner (AP) status with the RCVS. This status means she will appear on an approved list of Aps and be one of only 12 in the UK!!!
An AP is a veterinarian who is accredited to have knowledge and expertise in a particular field and are dedicated to keeping up to date in that field.
Laura has built up a great client base to deal with skin issues that are uncomfortable for the patient and often difficult to diagnose and get under control.
This new qualification allows Laura to offer a referral service and is currently only available to our clients due to the high demand.
Laura LOVEs working with challenging cases, especially ear cases. She loves having a great relationship with clients and their pets and always delivers high quality care in a friendly atmosphere. She prides herself on listening to the clients so that she can tailor the care needed for each pet and budget.
The cases that fall under dermatology referral are:
- Itchy pets
- Lumps and bumps
- Wound management
- Any changes to the skin, nails or anal sacs
- Hormonal diseases, such as Cushings, hypothyroidism etc
- Ear disease including recurrent ear infections.
If you’re a client and have any concerns about the skin health of your pet, contact the client care team via PetsApp or call 01772 639800 OR 01253 766352
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