Managing the pain of arthritis
June 21, 2021
Photo – Francis Ewbank MA VetMB GPCert (WVA&CPM) MRCVS
Arthritis has been in our world for a very long time and although the disease isn’t completely understood, treatment options to manage the pain have come a long way.
The key to successful management of the pain from arthritis can be complicated. It’s a complicated disease! It can be a case of trial and error but there is an approach that helps us support you and your pet.
Take a look at Keys To Successful Management of Arthritis
Here at Rowan we are passionate about making the lives of our patients better. We offer specialist pain clinics, run by Francis, which have been very successful @chronicpainvetlancs. They have made a real difference to the lives of those pets suffering from pain in general but particularly those suffering from the pain from arthritis.
Francis uses a plethora of resources available to him; acupuncture, hydrotherapy, medication to name a few. A new product now available to us is CBD Oil. The hemp plant contains naturally occurring compounds. These interact with the endocannabinoid system which is found in all mammals. It does not contain the psychoactive properties (THC) of the plant which means it can be used to help keep the body in balance without the “high”. It is illegal to give CBD oil to a pet without veterinary advice and prescription. For more information on the science of how these products work click HERE
If your pet suffers from arthritis and you’d like to discuss the pain management options available, call the team on 01772 639800 OR 01253 766352 or open a chat on PetsApp.
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