Fear Free – what can you do?

September 29, 2021

Today we’re looking at how you as an owner can help make your pet’s visit to the vet #fearfree.  Take a look at this short film HERE which gives some great hints and tips on how to prepare your pet for a visit.  There’s also lots of other resources and support for owners HERE to help learn more about their pet and how to help them in the home.  

One thing you can do as a dog owner is to visit the site often without actually having an appointment.  Due to the COVID restrictions, entering the building wouldn’t be an option but wandering around the grounds and letting them sniff will help them to become familiar with the sites, sounds and smells and associating the visit with this rather than an examination or treatment.

When COVID restrictions lift further, bringing them inside the building when they don’t have an appointment to say hello to the staff and getting a treat will further enhance the positive association they can develop towards visits.

If you have any concerns about the health or behavior of your pet, contact the client care team on PetsApp or by calling 01772 639800 OR 01253 766352.

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