
April 1, 2022

April is #nationalpetmonth, a campaign to raise awareness of responsible pet ownership.  To kick the month off, we’d like to share a check list of the #toptentips for responsible pet ownership:

Top Ten Tips for Responsible Pet Ownership

  1. Think carefully before getting a pet and learn about its special requirements.
  2. Ensure your pet is sociable and well trained.
  3. Provide a nutritious and well balanced diet.
  4. Provide suitable housing and bedding.
  5. Clean up after your pet and worm it regularly.
  6. Protect against disease. Your vet can provide you with advice.
  7. Prevent unwanted litters and neuter your pet when appropriate.
  8. Groom your pet regularly.
  9. Control your pet and ensure it is properly identified.
  10. Take out pet insurance for dogs, cats, rabbits and horses to cover against unexpected veterinary fees and third party liability

You can download this checklist HERE and find out more about how you can be THE best pet owner HERE

If you are looking to add a pet to your family and want some advice about any of the tips we’ve shared, contact the team on PetsApp or by calling us on 01772 639800 OR 01253 766352.

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