Pathogenic Avian Influenza – Bird Flu

December 10, 2021

What is it?

Bird flu, or avian flu, is an infectious type of influenza that spreads among birds. In rare cases, it can affect humans. There are lots of different strains of bird flu virus most of which don’t infect humans.

An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) came into force across Great Britain on the 3 November 2021 with more cases being reported in our local area since.

There is a legal requirement to handle birds in a specific way during this time and failure to follow it is an offence.  We are unable to receive or handle birds until the DEFRA restrictions are lifted.  If you do come across an injured or dead bird, please follow the DEFRA process:

If you suspect any type of avian influenza in poultry or captive birds you must report it immediately by calling the Defra Rural Services Helpline on 03000 200 301.

If you find dead wild waterfowl (swans, geese or ducks) or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey, you should report them to the Defra helpline (03459 33 55 77). Do not touch or pick up any dead or visibly sick birds that you find.

Photo by Duy Vo on Unsplash

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