Rabbit’s teeth! Drilling down to the root of the matter.

February 16, 2022

#didyouknow that a rabbit’s teeth grow continuously throughout their life?  If they are not regularly checked and trimmed it can stop them from eating, drinking and grooming.  Dental disease in rabbit’s is very common and is caused, in the main, by a poor diet and lack of fibre.

As a prey animal, rabbits are good at hiding pain and discomfort so it can be difficult to know if your rabbit has a dental issue.

Feeding the right kind of diet to your will help the teeth to grind down naturally but what is the right diet?  There is some great information provided by the PDSA including what you should be feeding your rabbit, how much and what vegetables are safe for your rabbit to eat.

Certain breeds of rabbit are more susceptible to dental disease because they have rounder, shorter faces so their teeth are squashed into a small space.

As your rabbit ages they are more likely to suffer from dental disease so it’s even more important to bring them to the vet for regular health checks.

How can I tell if my rabbit has dental disease?

Regularly check your rabbit yourself.  This helps you to know what is normal for your rabbit so when something is wrong, it will be more obvious.  Signs of dental disease or issues often include:

  • Weight loss
  • A dirty bottom (grooming becomes difficult and painful)
  • Diarrhoea or softer faeces than usual
  • Drooling
  • Reduced appetite
  • Weepy eyes
  • Teeth grinding
  • A bumpy jawline
  • A runny nose
  • Less active or more quiet
  • Visibly long, deformed and/or broken teeth

You should never try to trim your rabbit’s teeth at home as you may cause more damage and severe pain.  Your rabbit may also need to have teeth removed if they are suffering from severe dental disease which can be a more difficult process than that for cats and dogs as rabbit teeth are long with curved roots.  They may also need pain relief as well as other medication to combat infection.

If your rabbit is affected by any of the issues described, contact the team via PetsApp or by calling 01772 639800 OR 01253 766352.

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