Bee and Wasp Stings: Rowan Vets Explains What You Need to Know
Do you have a curious cat or a daring dog? You should download our handy insect guide with tips on managing bee and wasp stings.
Signs of Good and Bad Oral Health in Lancashire Pets
Healthy teeth are important for your pet’s overall health. Discover the signs of normal oral health in pets and when to contact Rowan Vets.
Best Pet Food to Buy? A Guide to Complete Life Stage Diets
Rowan Vets’ nurses are sharing their guide to why cats and dogs can benefit from a life stage diet and complete pet food.
The Best Dog Chews: Rowan Vets’ Nurses Share Tips
With so many dental chews on the market, discover how to pick the best chews for your dog’s teeth, from size to ingredients!
Rowan Vets’ Guide to Socialising Puppies and Adult Dogs
Learn how to socialise your puppy or adult dog this winter with help from our vets in Preston.
How to Protect Your Dog’s Paws During Winter Walks in Lancashire
Winter walks are a great way to keep your dog active. Learn how to protect their paws from the cold and ice with tips from Rowan Vets.
Pets and January Blues: Rowan Vets Explains Their Sensitivity
Think you’ll get a case of the January Blues soon? Did you know your pet may feel it too. Read our tips for how you can help them cope.
Evacuating With Pets: Rowan Vets’ 8 Point Flood Plan
As extreme weather become more frequent, being prepared for emergencies like flooding is wise. Read our pet owner guide.
Dog-Friendly Places to do Your Christmas Shopping in Lancashire
If your dog loves going everywhere with you, why not enjoy some holiday season shopping together this December?
Autumn Changes for Dogs, Cats and Rabbits in Lancashire
As summer fades into autumn, our team advise adjusting your pet’s routine to align with the changing season – here’s how.