General Pet Advice
What is #fearfree? The benefit for pets
Last week we touched on the principles of #fearfree. Here is a great example of #fearfree principles in action.
What “Fear Free” means for your pet
We understand that some cats can find a visit to the vets very stressful and frightening. Learn how we support cats.
Laura Underwood – PgCertDerm BSc BVSc MRCVS
Laura has worked at Rowan for 7 years and as many of you know, has been directing her specialist field in dermatology over the last few years.
Prevention is better than cure!
We are VERY #excited to share that we will be launching our very first Pet Health Club!
Pets and allergies to food
A food allergy will affect your pet all year round and in a small number of cases it can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss and abdominal discomfort.
Did you know that pets can sunburn too?
Pets are as prone to burning in the sun just as we are – and both dogs and cats LOVE to snooze in the sun – here’s what you can do.
How we diagnose allergic skin in pets
The skin protects an animal from infection so damaged skin leaves it vulnerable to infection. Read about skin allergy treatments
How to prepare for your #staycation
Having a #staycation this year? Find out more about ticks and the risks they pose in your area.
General management of pain in pets
Arthritis isn’t the only disease or condition that causes pain. Your pet may be showing the signs of pain but for a very different reason.
Managing the pain of arthritis
The key to successful management of the pain from arthritis can be complicated. Learn how we can help pets at Rowan Vets.