To neuter or not? That is the question!

March 24, 2023

The #testicles are a major source of testosterone production in dogs. When we #castrate or #neuter a dog, testosterone levels drop dramatically, but #didyouknow that testosterone is a valuable hormone from a behaviour perspective?

Testosterone is a hormone that is closely linked to confidence in many species, including dogs. Behaviour issues in an unneutered dog are often linked to a lack of confidence, anxiety and fear. By neutering a dog and reducing the testosterone levels, the lack of confidence, anxiety or fear can become more pronounced, making those already difficult behaviours even worse.

There is much to consider when deciding to neuter or not neuter your dog, and one of the more difficult ones are those related to behaviour. So how do you know if neutering is right for your dog?

Nicole, one of our experienced vets, sometimes #recommends using a product that “mimics” #castration. It’s a small implant that is placed under the skin, much like a microchip. The implant releases a hormone into the body that reduces the level of testosterone in the blood and in 95% of dogs after 6 weeks, visibly reduces testicle size and semen function.

This process gives the vet and owners a really good idea as to how a dog who may have testosterone linked behavioural issues, might behave after #castration. The implant can either last a minimum of 6 or 12 months depending on which implant is used.  The implant does not need removing and can be repeated when it is due to run out if required.

Here at #rowan, we’re also massive advocates of #fearfree principles. To make the implantation as pleasant as possible, we can provide a local anaesthetic and also provide medication for those dogs that find visiting the vet #stressful.

If you’d like to find out more about neutering your pet, why not book in for a COMPLIMENTARY consultation with one of our vets.  Contact the team on PetsApp or by calling 01772 639800 OR 01253 766352.

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