Our Prices

At Rowan Vets, we believe in fair and transparent pricing for our veterinary services. We always strive to offer excellent value, whilst ensuring you and your pet receive the best possible care; a fair price that takes into account what is included as standard in everything that we do.

We highly recommend joining our Pet Health Club to help budget for your routine preventative care for dogs and cats, as well as investing in pet insurance for those unexpected costs.

Book an appointment

Standard Price
Initial Consultation (20 minutes) £75.00
Follow-up Consultation (20 minutes) £68.00
Pain Clinic Initial Consultation (40 minutes) £182.00
Pain Clinic Follow-up (20 minutes) £90.00
Behaviour Clinic Initial Consultation (40 minutes) £182.00
Behaviour Clinic Follow-up (20 minutes) £90.00
Exotic Consultation (10 minutes) £47.10
Exotic Consultation (20 minutes) £72.97
Exotic Consultation (30 minutes) £88.28

What do I get for my money?

  • Standard appointment length is 20 minutes – that gives time to talk, listen and consider collaborative treatment options.
  • Full vet health check.
  • Fear Free or Cat Friendly approach. This means your pet is handled with gentle techniques including minimal restraint, food as a bribe, and we can give pre-visit anxiety medication to make their experience better.
  • Separate dog and cat waiting area.

What do I get for my money (pain clinic)?

  • Long running clinic (since 2015) with qualified chronic pain Vet Francis Ewbank, (GPcert Western Veterinary Acupuncture & Chronic Pain Management), Zero Pain Philosophy member, and trained acupuncturist Registered Vet Nurse Amy Eddleston.
  • Compassionate quality of life focus; chronic pain is arguably the most common, under recognised and significant cause of suffering in our pets.
  • Initial 40 minute consult to allow thorough assessment (history and examination) and clear planning with follow up appointments, given the importance of continuity.
  • Most commonly addressing musculoskeletal pain (e.g. arthritis or spinal) but including all types such as post surgical or cancer related pain.
  • Team based approach equipping owners to play the key role they have in understanding and monitoring the quality of their pet’s pain control.
  • Tailoring treatments to individual needs and budgets; “I’m here to help you and your pet.”
  • “The primary indicator of chronic pain is the [often subtle] loss of normal behaviour.” If you think your pet may be in pain please do contact the clinic.

What do I get for my money (behaviour clinic)?

  • Qualified behaviour management Vet, Nicole Whittell, (PGDip Clinical Animal Behaviour)
  • Holistic approach to behaviour challenges and management, looking at all aspects of your pet’s life.
  • Comprehensive behaviour questionnaire and analysis as part of the diagnostic process.
  • Initial 40 minute consult to allow for detailed history and communication of behaviour challenges.
  • Holistic approach to behaviour challenges, considering potential complicating factors such as chronic pain, environment, trauma or any current medical concerns.
  • Support for owners throughout the life stages of the their pet i.e. puppy, adolescent, mid-life and geriatric.
  • Tailored plan with regular follow-up consultations and telephone check-ins to monitor progress and response.
  • Team approach to behaviour management plan, taking into account owner preferences and personal circumstances.
Standard Price
Pain Follow-up (20 minutes) £35.31
Weight Management £FOC
Senior Cat Clinics Initial (7 years and over)

Senior Cat Clinic Follow-Up (review)



Puppy Classes £40.00

What do I get for my money?

Senior Cat Clinic

  • Monitoring and management of pain
  • Progress discussion with owner
  • Advice on environmental changes, exercise and weight
  • Administration of vet-prescribed pain treatments

Weight Clinics

  • RVN with Certificate in Small Animal Clinical Nutrition
  • Body condition score
  • Weight
  • Body measurements
  • Current diet discussion
  • Weight management plan
  • On-going weight monitoring and advice

Pain Clinics

  • RVN currently training in CAM (Canine Arthritis Management)
  • RVN trained in practical acupuncture
  • Monitoring and management of pain
  • Progress discussion with owner
  • Advice on environmental changes, exercise and weight
  • Administration of vet-prescribed pain treatments including acupuncture which is an additional cost.


Dog Vaccines Standard Price Pet Health Club
Puppy Vaccination Course £88.28 Included
Dog Booster £88.28 Included
Dog Kennel Cough £74.78 £18.54
Dog Kennel Cough & Booster £129.07
Rabies £115.57
Cat Vaccines Standard Price Pet Health Club
Kitten Vaccination Course £88.28 Included
Cat Booster £88.28 Included
Rabbit Vaccines Standard Price Pet Health Club
Myxomatosis & VHD £88.28

What do I get for my money?


All Vaccine Consultations:

  • Full vet health check
  • Full vaccination course (core vaccines)
  • Advice on flea and worming
  • Socialisation advice
  • Diet and nutrition advice
  • Dental care discussion
  • Training advice
  • Neutering advice
  • Chance to join the Pet Health Club


Puppy Vaccination Value

  • Chance to sign up to puppy class
  • 4 weeks free pet insurance (Petplan)


Kitten Vaccination Value

  • Toileting issues
  • Environmental advice
  • 4 weeks free pet insurance (Petplan)


Rabbit Vaccination Value

  • Advice on parasite prevention
  • Flystrike prevention
  • Housing and husbandry
  • Access to exotic vet if required


Animal Health Certificates
Standard Price
Animal Health Certificates (1st Animal)
Animal Health Certificates (subsequent animals)

What do I get for my money?

  • Completion of a multi-lingual, 10-page export certificate document
  • Investment in specialised software to make the process more accurate
  • Register, scan and copy to the patient record
  • Pre-visit telephone consultation
  • Face to face consultation to ensure the pet is compliant to travel
  • Regular training and certification by vets to maintain OCQ(V) qualification to process

Find out MORE about the requirements HERE: www.gov.uk/taking-your-pet-abroad/getting-an-animal-health-certificate


Dog & Cat Neutering Standard Price
Dog Castrate (under 10kg) £280.00
Dog Castrate (11 – 25kg) £295.00
Dog Castrate (26 – 40kg) £330.00
Dog Castrate (over 40kg) £423.00
Cat Castrate £125.00
Cat Spay £151.00
Cat Spay Midline £188.00
Rabbits & Exotics (Neutering) Standard Price
Rabbit Castrate £165.00
Rabbit Spay £240.00
Ferret Male £165.00
Ferret Female £240.00
Bitch Spay Standard Price
Bitch Spay (under 10kg) £460.00
Bitch Spay (11 – 25kg) £491.00
Bitch Spay (26 – 40kg) £531.00
Bitch Spay (over 40kg) £640.00


What do I get for my money?


All Neutering Procedures

  • Pre-op check
  • General anaesthetic
  • Nurse monitoring of anaesthetic until patient fully recovered
  • Specialist monitoring and warming equipment
  • Pain management for each individual patient. We pride ourselves on giving the best pain relief ensuring patients are comfortable and have an experienced vet with extra qualifications in pain management.
  • Pain medication to go home
  • Buster collar (except cat castrate)
  • Regular updates, including pictures if requested
  • Post-op check (in person or virtual) to monitor patient recovery


  • Pre-op bloods that highlight any abnormalities, available as an option for an extra cost
  • Intravenous fluids which may help make the anaesthetic safer, available as an option for an extra cost


Dog & Cat Neutering Value

  • Other wound protection options available at an extra cost


Rabbits & Exotics (Neutering)

  • Experienced exotics vet as part of the Rowan Team


Bitch Spay Value

  • Intravenous fluids which can help make the anaesthetic safer
  • Other wound protection options available at an extra cost


Standard Price Pet Health Club
Microchip £27.19 £13.59

What do I get for my money?

  • Supply and insertion of microchip
  • Check microchip is active
  • Record details on patient record
  • Register patient and client information on recognised national microchip data base


Standard Price
Nail Clip £40.80
Anal Gland Expression £54.37
Written Prescription (one item) £29.92
Written Prescription Additional Items (each) £9.31

What do I get for my money?

Nail Clip/Anal Gland

  • 20 minute appointment with an experienced vet OR nurse
  • Experienced staff to hold patient if required
  • Experienced staff with the ability to give anti-anxiety medication to patients if required

Written Prescriptions

  • Review of patient history by a vet
  • Review of current medication (if any)
  • Ascertain medication and dose required
  • Create and sign written prescription within Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) legal prescribing requirements and forward to client by preferred method


Prices are correct @ 24/02/2025


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