Surgical referral service

We aim to provide a non-specialist referral service, where surgical cases that cannot be managed in your practice can be treated by an experienced surgeon with access to appropriate equipment at extremely competitive prices. Get free estimates from a friendly, approachable centre.

Contact us about surgical referrals


Tailored treatments for your pets

Rises in specialist referral centre fees have left some treatments beyond the means of many clients, especially those that are uninsured, or have insufficient policy limits.

We see ourselves filling the gap between first opinion practice and specialist centres, being able to offer realistic, affordable treatment options for the majority of surgical cases, and without the need to travel out of the local area.

We can tailor treatment options to suit the patient and the owner. We are realistic, we realise some procedures and work-ups do need specialist attention; if we feel that this is the case we will say so.

Paul Aldridge BVSc Cert SAS MRCVS

Paul Aldridge BVSc Cert SAS MRCVS works with Rowan Veterinary Centre to provide local referral options at our Hillock Lane practice.

Paul Aldridge qualified from Liverpool in 1995 and took a job in mixed practice in Preston, and has lived in Fulwood ever since. In 2000, Paul moved to a large hospital-based practice In Manchester, where he obtained his RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Surgery & developed a busy surgical referral caseload, dealing with orthopaedic, soft tissue, and emergency cases.

Procedures we can offer

Rowan can offer a variety of procedures both scheduled and emergency. These include:

  • Orthopaedic Procedures such as fractures, cruciate disease management, management of patella luxation, and Arthrodesis.
  • Soft tissues surgery includes wound management, tumour resection and reconstruction, head and neck surgery, abdominal surgery, etc.
  • Perineal surgery includes urinary surgery, nephrectomy, urethrostomy, thoracotomy, etc.

How to arrange a referral

Referral requests can be emailed to us at – urgent/emergency referrals should be made by telephone: 01772 639800.





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